Paket Tour Bali 3 Days

BiayaRp 1,490,000
BiayaRp 1,490,000
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Paket Tour Bali
Tour only, tanpa tiket penerbangan

===English Version Click Here==

Periode Keberangkatan Paket Tour Bali :
Weekday, kecuali berangkat hari Jumat dan Sabtu

Jadwal Acara

Day 1 :
: Tiba di Airport Denpasar
: Dijemput dan diantar ke hotel area Kuta
: Acara bebas

Day 2 :
: Makan pagi di Hotel
: Full Day Bali TOur
pilihan :
– Bedugul Tanah Lot Tour
– Bedugul, Danau Beratan, Pura Ulundanu, Alas Kedaton Monkey Forest, Krisna souvernir shop, Tanah Lot
– Uluwatu tour
– Joger, GWK, Uluwatu, Dreamland beach, Tanjung Benoa
– Kintamani Tour
– Barong dance Batu bulan, Pasar seni Sukawati, Celuk, Kintamani, Tampak Siring
: Termasuk makan siang
: Sore hari kembali ke hotel

Day 3 :
: Makan pagi
: Acara bebas
: 3 jam sebelum penerbangan dijemput dan diantar ke airport

Harga Paket Per Orang
Dewasa : Rp. 1.490.000
Anak No Bed Rp. 1.000.000

Paket Tour Bali Termasuk :
– 2 malam akomodasi di hotel bintang 3 area Kuta : Flora Beach, setaraf
– Tour dan makan sesuai jadwal acara : 2x makan pagi, 1x makan malam
– Tiket masuk objek wisata yang disebut

Paket Tour Bali Tidak termasuk:
– Tiket penerbangan
– Item lain yang belum termasuk

Prosedur Pemesanan dan Pembayaran :
1. Untuk booking, mohon diemail copy KTP/ passport yang masih berlaku sampai 6 bulan ke depan dari tgl kembali.
Bisa diemail ke atau Whats App : +6281323983672
2. Depoit 50% dibayarkan pada saat booking
3. Pelunasan pembayaran sebulan sebelum keberangkatan


Bali Tour Package Departure Period:
Weekdays, except for Fridays and Saturdays

Event schedule

Day 1:
: Arrive at Denpasar Airport
: Pick up and drop off at hotel in Kuta area
: Free event

Day 2:
: Breakfast at Hotel
: Full Day Bali Tour
choice :
- Bedugul Tanah Lot Tour
- Bedugul, Lake Beratan, Ulundanu Temple, Alas Kedaton Monkey Forest, Krisna souvenir shop, Tanah Lot
- Uluwatu tour
- Joger, GWK, Uluwatu, Dreamland beach, Tanjung Benoa
- Kintamani Tour
- Barong dance Stone moon, Sukawati art market, Celuk, Kintamani, Tampak Siring
: Including lunch
: Afternoon back to hotel

Day 3:
: Breakfast
: Free event
: 3 hours before flight pick up and transfer to airport

Package Price Per Person
Adult : Rp. 1,490,000
Children No Bed Rp. 1,000,000

Bali Tour Packages Include:
- 2 nights accommodation in a 3-star hotel in the Kuta area: Flora Beach, equivalent
- Tour and eat according to the program schedule: 2x breakfast, 1x dinner
- Entrance ticket to the attraction called

Bali Tour Packages Not including:
- Flight ticket
- Other items not included

Ordering and Payment Procedures:
1. For bookings, please email a copy of your KTP/passport which is still valid for the next 6 months from the date of return.
Can be emailed to or Whats App: +6281323983672
2. 50% deposit paid at the time of booking
3. Full payment a month before departure


—Paket Tour Bali—

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